But once upon a time, 35 years or so ago, you couldn't commonly use your voice to ask questions of your PC, expect to hear information, place phone calls, record and replay sounds, handle incoming calls, etc
Along came The VCO.........
click on most images to see bigger version-
Summary of the VCO Announcement in the US October 1985The IBM Personal Computer Voice Communications Option is a multifunction adapter card that may be installed in an IBM Personal Computer, IBM Personal Computer XT"" system, or an IBM Personal Computer AT@ system. W'hen this option is installed, the IBM Personal Computer is extended to provide
Voice Recognition
is based on speaker-dependent,
discrete-utterance recognition (words
and/or phrases). A speaker may train
one or more vocabularies to be shared
by speech-based applications.
Text-to-Speech (Synthetic Voice) -
Any serial ASCII data stream directed
to the Voice Communication Text-to-
Speech component will be transformed
into synthetic voice (speech).
Reads text
and data through a connected telephone,
telephone line, or speaker
' Voice (Audio) Record/Playback -The Operating Subsystem digitizes voice and mathematically compresses it. Three compression options are provided to meet differing voice quality and storage requirements. Periods of silence in speech are compressed and will require less storage . Line Monitoring-Applications can be written to receive touch-tone signals from remote telephones to be used as commands or data entry. Detects and/or generates touch.tone signals. Detection allows remote keyboard entry. Generation allows autodialing. . Generates pulse dial tones to allow autodialing on pulse phone systems . Detects call progress signals: . Telephone Management - Applications can initiate telephone calls (autodial) and support other PBX functions (such as 'Adding a Party"), and can receive telephone calls by taking advantage of the telephone management component of the Voice Communications Application Program Interface.
Technical Information
The adapter contains the following
major functional components: ......... |
Further Information
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Conversion for EMEAWhy was it so hard to produce a version, or versions, for the main EMEA market.
A number of readers wiil immeadialey know the answer to that -'Homologation! |
Failure Reasons
20/20 hindsight there were a variety of factors. The following
are my personal views of some of the reasons.
Event Happenings Oops! |
All this functionality was pretty novel back in those days. I used to do a lot of customer executive seminars, trying to get people to think about the potential of these technologies.
As part of the TTS demonstrations it was my habit to get one or two of the audience to come out front and key in a senence or two of their choice.. |
xx . | yy |
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. Most
recent revision: 29 Jan 2019 |
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