1964 IBM UK Basic Training Course B48

. Most recent revision: 23 Dec 2010 


 photo taken in our classroom
End of Course Dinner
1. Colin Peters 8. Mike Drake 15. Chris Dale
2. Ron Ellis 9. Bryan Ward 16. Mike Harrison
3. John Engall 10. Ron Kirkpatrick 17. Tony Sellens
4. Gordon HUtchings 11. John Tansey 18. John D'Arcy
5. Pat Austin 12. Stuart Baldwin 19. Simon Irving
6. Don Smith 13. Clive Ashworth 20. Doug Glading
7. Adrian Norman 14. 21. Julian Smith
    22. Irving Kennard
Class Members Photo (taken from classroom noticeboard at end of course -- that's how we looked when we joined) .
Course Content

NEWS wanted please....

Comments, queries and messages to: ibmmemories@glading.com
Parent page: IBMMemories1960s.htm
   This Page originally 'on the web' Dec 2010
      © Doug Glading ..... 2011
 ...his mark